GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars Review

GPO 10 x 50 Passion HD Binoculars
Best General Wildlife Observation Binoculars 2024
BBR Rating: 88%
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Best Value for Money
Price Range: (5/6) High Value Binoculars       

Ideal Uses:

General Use Rating for General Use Binoculars
Birdwatching Rating as Birdwatching Binoculars
Outdoor Sports Rating asOutdoor Sports Binoculars
Safari & Travel Rating as Safari Binoculars
General Wildlife Rating as Wildlife Observation Binoculars
Hunting Rating as Hunting Binoculars
Marine Use Rating as Marine Binoculars
Astronomy Rating as Binoculars for Astronomy
Long Distance Rating as Long Distance Viewing Binoculars

Awards: Best General Wildlife Observation Binoculars 2024

GPO Passion HD Binoculars
German Precision Optics flagship series, the Passion HD series are somewhat unique from a German binocular brand in that whilst they are designed in Germany, they are then manufactured in Japan using only the highest quality optics and body components. This has enabled them to maintain an extremely high standard, but also reduce the cost of production when compared to other top-level optics brands from Europe.

As I have already gone through much of this information and indeed many other the main details in my in-depth review of the truly excellent 10x42 GPO Passion HD I feel it would be a little pointless to repeat myself all over again and thus for this review I will focus more on the differences between the two models and how a 10x42 configuration differs from a 10x50. In this way, my idea is that you can get all the general information from the 10x42 review and then use this one to help you decide which version will be best for you and your particular needs:

10x50 Configuration

8x42 binoculars (8x magnification with 42mm diameter lenses) are almost certainly the most popular configuration as this setup offers an excellent balance between light gathering ability and the size and weight of the instrument. Meaning you get a good optical performance from a binocular that is also reasonably easy to carry about and take with you pretty much everywhere you go.

However, if you want a little image detail at distance, the 10x42 option has for a long time been the most common choice, but because of their smaller 4.2mm exit pupils it does mean that you trading quite a bit in terms of their performance in low light conditions in order to achieve this.

So what if you could try and get the best of both worlds: Increase the magnification from 8x to 10x, but still maintain the excellent low light performance of an 8x42, but also at the same time, make sure that the weight and dimensions of the instrument don't increase by too much?

This is where the 10x50 configuration comes in and why I find it so interesting as it has the potential to achieve all this. That is the aim and theory anyway, let's see how this plays out in practice:

GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binocular Review

Contents & Important Specs:

GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars

The Body

As you can see from the photo above, the basic overall body shape is the same between the 10x42 and 10x50 within the Passion HD series, which is what you would expect from two models within the same series.

Underside of the GPO Passion HD 10x50 BinocularsBody Materials Used
As far as I can see and what I have read, the materials used for the chassis (Magnesium) and the outer rubber armor are also the same and thus I won't go over them all again in this review. So as I say, if you want to read up on this and any other areas that are the same, I urge you to take a look at my 10x42 GPO Passion HD Review.

Inter-Pupillary Distance (IPD) Adjustment
The IPD (Inter-Pupillary Distance) range on these GPO 10x50 binoculars goes from a minimum of 5.8cm (with the hinge closed), up to a maximum of 7.6cm with the hinge fully open. This differs very marginally from the 10x42 version which has a range of between 5.7cm and 7.5cm.

Once again, if you refer to the large photo above, you can clearly see that these 10x50mm GPO Passion HD binoculars are longer than the 10x42 version. So with the eyecups retracted the length of these is 6.9in / 17.5cm, versus 6.1in / 15.6cm for the 10x42.

They are also slightly wider (with the central hinge fully open: 5.3in / 13.5cm vs 5.1in / 13cm) and because of the larger lenses a little deeper as well: 2.5in / 6.4cm vs 2.2in / 5.6cm.

Depending on your exact needs or perspective, these differences may seem insignificant to some, or quite large to others. So for example for many general uses and as an "average" adult, you may not really notice the difference in size (and weight - see below), but if you have smaller hands and/or have to travel or carry the binoculars with limited available space, the relatively small increase in size could be of importance to you. So it just depends on your particular circumstances.

Also for comparison, I have included a table below that lists a number of 42, 50 and 56mm binoculars:

As you can see in the comparison table above, at 33.9oz / 961g (I measured it at 967g), this GPO 10x50 Passion HD binocular is about average for a high-end 50mm binocular using a metal chassis and mostly metal components.

You can also see that it is about 120g heavier than the 10x42 version (my sample tipped the scales at 851g, but has an official measurement of 840g), which I think for most uses and users looking for a full-sized instrument, this difference will not be of major importance, but if it is to you, then it is something to keep in mind.

Note: If you do need or want a particularly lightweight, small instrument, then it may be worth considering a smaller mid-size instrument, so something like a 10x32 or even a full compact (a 10x26 for example).

Tripod Adapter fitted to the GPO Passion HD 10x50 BinocularsTripod Adaptable
As with the 10x42 version, this GPO 10x50 Passion HD binocular is 'tripod adaptable'. What this means is that the protective dust cap located on the front of the hinge can be unscrewed and then in its place you can screw in a tripod adapter making it very simple to attach your binoculars onto a tripod.

What I would just like to add here is that because of the slightly larger diameter barrels that are needed to accommodate the larger 50mm lenses, there is a little less space in between them. Therefore if you are looking to purchase a tripod adapter, look for one that has a thin leg and a small screw head so as to ensure it is able to fit in between the barrels.

Eyecups on the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars

Eye-Cups & their Housings

As with the 10x42 version, the twist-up/down eye-cups and the housings on these 10x50 GPO Passion HD binoculars are excellent. Indeed, measuring 42mm in diameter, they look to be exactly the same..

The housings are made from aluminum and not plastic, which apart from looking and feeling superior, is important because this is often the part of a binocular that gets damaged when dropped.

The twist-up and down mechanism on these aluminum eyecups is also superior to that of any plastic ones being was really nice and smooth with very limited amount of free play.

They have one intermediate click-stop and like the 10x42 model, these also have 17mm of eye-relief, which was sufficient for me to be able to achieve the full field of view by fully twisting the eye-cups in.

Focus Wheel on the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars

Focus Wheel & Focussing
Apart from the badge on the end displaying the configuration, the focus wheel, it's dimensions and mechanism is identical to that of the 10x42 version:

Both are extremely smooth and both take 1½ turns (540°) to move the focus from one extreme to the other.

So once again, the only slight negative comment I have to add is that the rear face plate is made from plastic which does not at all affect the function, but to my mind does not quite match the quality of the rest of the body.

Adjusting the Focus Wheel on the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars

Integrated Diopter Adjuster

As with the smaller 42mm version and some other top-tier instruments like the Swarovski SLC 10x42 binoculars for example, the diopter adjuster on these GPO binoculars is integrated within the focus wheel.

Used for calibrating your instrument to you particular eyesight, you reveal and unlock the diopter, by pulling back slightly on the focus wheel. This reveals a marked scale, and so now when you turn the focus wheel it will adjust the focus on only one barrel of the binocular allowing you to compensate for any differences in vision between your left and right eyes.

I prefer this system to the more commonly used diopter adjuster ring located near one of the eyepiece (usually the right) because once set, it is hidden and out of the way for a more cleaner look and it is lockable and thus makes it very unlikely that your setting will be altered unintentionally.

Integrated Diopter Adjuster on the focus wheel of the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars

50mm Objective lenses on the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars


Apart from the difference is lens size, the HD optical system used by German Precision Optics on the 10x50 Passion HD is the same as that on the 10x42 version, so I won't go through it all again. Rather, I will just list the main points for quick reference and then focus on the main physical differences between the two and what effect they have to the resulting view that you are presented with.

Objective Lenses

The most important difference between the 10x42 and 10x50 Passion HD binoculars and indeed the aspect that effects their main characteristics the most is the different sized objective lenses.

Whilst 8mm may not seem, or indeed look like that much in the photo below, it not only alters the overall size and weight of the instrument, but also effects the view.

Comparing Objective lenses on the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars and GPO Passion HD 10x42 Binoculars

Just like the windows in your house, where large ones let in more light to a room than small ones, there is the potential for more light to get "collected" and pass through larger objective lenses than smaller ones.

The quality of the glass and the exact coatings that are used also play an important role in this, which is why I often find that a high-end binocular with quality components and coatings will optically outperform a low-quality binocular that has larger lenses.

However, when comparing these two instruments in the same series and from the same brand, we can be fairly certain in the assumption that the glass and coatings used are the same. So the only factor that we need to consider when looking at these GPO Passion HD 10x50 and 10x42 binoculars is the physical variations and what effect this has.

More light means more information and thus there is the potential for you to observe a better quality as well as brighter image, but much of this is dependent on the ambient light conditions and whether your eyes are receiving enough light.

Exit Pupil Size - 10x50 vs 10x42 Configurations
Much of the difference or potential difference in image brightness can be explained by the exit pupil size (the size of the shafts of light exiting the ocular lenses which are shown in the image below and can be seen when you step back and look at the eyepieces of any binocular:

Ocular Lenses on the GPO Passion HD 10x50 and 10x42 Binoculars showing the different size exit pupils

10x42 binoculars produce exit pupils 4.2mm in diameter (42÷10), whist a 10x50 configuration produces slightly larger 5mm (50÷10) exit pupils.

In my experience, when the ambient light conditions are good, average or even fairly poor, 42mm lenses (when combined with a 10x magnification and good quality optics) are sufficient to supply your eyes with enough light for your see a bright, good quality image. This is because in these light conditions the pupils in your eyes are going to be less than 4.2mm in diameter and thus even though the 10x50 is delivering a larger 5mm shaft of light to your eyes, it is not taken in by them and thus the image brightness will look to be the same or extremely close between a 10x42 and a 10x50 in these conditions.

It is in low and very low light conditions when your pupils are dilated and thus larger than 4.2mm in diameter (young adults have a maximum pupil size of about 7mm), that a binocular with a larger exit pupil will seem to produce a brighter image than one of equal quality, but smaller exit pupils.

That is the theory anyway, take a look a little later in this review in the image quality section to see how I found this to work in practice.

Ocular Lenses

Another aspect I just wanted to emphasize was in regards to the size of the ocular lenses: Measuring a 24mm in diameter which is the same as that on the 10x42 version , the are amongst the largest that I have come across on a 42mm or 50mm binocular.

In this article on ocular lens sizes I go through all the potential benefits of large ocular lenses, but probably of most interest is the potential for improved image resolution and the fact that larger lenses make it quicker and easier to line up your eyes with them and thus less chance of having of dark rings on the edges of the view.

Coating Comparisons

Optical Components Score: 9/10

Optical Stats

Field Of View (FOV)
The field of view is another area where these 10x50 GPO Passion HD binoculars differ form the 10x42mm version:

Measuring 336ft wide/high at a distance of 1000 yards away (112m @ 1000m), you can see from the table below, the GPO Passion HD 10x42 binocular has a relatively very wide FOV (for a 10x binocular).

Whilst at 309ft at 1,000 yards (103m at 1,000 meters), the 10x50 Passion GD binocular delivers a slightly narrower view of the world.

For most uses this relatively small difference will not be important and indeed unless you are actually looking for it and comparing the view back and forth, it can be quite hard to notice. However if you especially want or need a wider FOV, this should be something to keep in mind.

Minimum Focus
These GPO Passion 10x50 HD binoculars have a stated minimum focus distance of 9.2ft (2.8m) which is good but not quite excellent, whilst the 10x42 version is advertised as being 6.5ft (2 meters) which is very near to what I would describe as being excellent for this class of binocular.

Note, I tested both and found that both these supplied measurements to be on the safe side as I was able to focus on an object from 2.5 meters with the 10x50 and 1.8m away with the 10x42.

Either way and for most normal uses either will be just fine as it is rare that you would want to focus o an object at less than these distances. However, if one of your passions is to view butterflies or flowers from a very close range, this is another difference to just keep in mind.

These GPO binoculars offer a full 17mm of eye-relief, which is very good and by completely twisting down the eyecups I was able to take in the the entire field of view without any black rings forming on the edges of the view whilst wearing glasses. (for more: How To Use Binoculars With Glasses: Eye-relief & Eye-cups Explained)

Optical Stats Score for a 10x binocular: 8/10

Image Quality

As well as spending a lot of time using them in varying conditions out in the field, I also very carefully made side-by-side comparisons of the view between these, the 10x42 GPO Passion HD and a selection of my relevant benchmark binoculars at different times of the day and in different light conditions and below are my thoughts and observations:

Image Brightness
As suspected, in good light conditions when comparing them on a cloudless morning, I found that the GPO Passion HD 10x50 binoculars looked to me to be equally as bright as that of the 10x42 GPO Passion HD as well as my alpha level 10x42 benchmark binoculars.

I also tested and compared all three on another day in overcast and dull conditions and found the same to be true once again.

In very low light when the sun had just dropped below the horizon, this is where the larger 50mm lenses and the resulting larger exit pupil began to make a difference and whilst the difference is fairly subtle, the 10x50 GPO Passion HD was brightest of the three and whilst it makes it harder to be sure because of the differing magnifications, I would say was just about equal to my alpha level 8x42mm benchmark instrument.

So as I expected, these 10x50 binoculars would make for a better choice in low light than a 10x42. Indeed they are about on a par with a similar quality 8x42 binocular. So if you are often bird watching over longer distances (like at a lake or the coast) or view wildlife over longer distances and go out early morning or as the sunsets or in bad weather, these would make a great option.

Apart for the difference in brightness in low light and the slightly narrower field of view, the image you see through the GPO Passion HD 10x50 binoculars is pretty much the same as that on the 10x42 model which is excellent and I could pretty much just copy and paste my thoughts on all the other aspects:

Colors & Contrast
An important point to note is that whilst this GPO binocular delivers a bright image, it is not at all washed out and still manages to produce vibrant colors with what I feel is an excellent variation between dark and light areas that gives the image a lovely sense of depth.

Here, it is also important that whist vibrant, the colors still look true to life as the colors on some bright binoculars can seem either washed out, or too vibrant and thus not realistic. Neither is the case with these.

Color FringingColor Fringing
One of the highlighted features on these Passion HD's and something GPO really push in their marketing is that they use two ED elements in each lens. The extra-low dispersion properties of ED glass means that they can reduce chromatic aberrations which in turn means less color fringing in the final image, so like the 10x42 version I was expecting them to perform well in this area and I was not to be disappointed as in this are, this is about as good as it gets for a 10x binocular.

Image Definition, Distortions & Blurring
The viewable amount of fuzziness right at the edges of the view is almost non existent and once again, is in my experience is about as minimal as it gets.

In terms of other image distortions (like unwanted image curvature) at no time did I notice anything.

Like the 10x42, I have no hesitation in rating the view through these 10x50 GPO Passion HD binoculars as truly superb and certainly amongst the very best 10x binoculars that I have ever tested.

Score for Image Quality: 10/10

GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars with neck strap, bino harness, carry case, accessory pouch, cleaning cloth and lens covers

Included Accessories:

The included accessories that these GPO Passion HD binoculars are supplied with look to me to be identical to those that come with the 10x42 version, which for the most part is excellent. However, because of the slight difference in size this does throw up a few points that I feel are worth mentioning:

The GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars Carry Case

Carry Case
Rear face of the Carry Case for the GPO Passion HD 10x50 BinocularsBranded with the German Precision Optics logo, the semi-rigid carry case not only looks good, but is well made and offers the binoculars inside plenty of protection.

The case comes with its own carry strap, this is mostly un-padded, but does have a shoulder slider that will improve comfort to a small degree. The strap attaches onto the two metal rings on the back of the case using a couple of swiveled quick-release clips. Made from a nylon/plastic type of material, they are not as strong as metal clips, but look to me to be reasonably robust and should last if looked after.

The large zip opening makes it relatively quick and easy to both gain access and then return the instrument to the case and it a secure method of closure, but you do need to be a little careful when using it if you want/need to remain silent, like you may find in some hunting or birding situations.

Because this case is the same one used for the 10x42 model which fits inside perfectly, the fit for this 10x50 model is a little on the tight side. This does require you to twist in the eye-cups and remove the lens covers, which for me and how I use my binoculars is not a major issue as when out in the field I will either just take the binoculars with lens covers attached and leave the case at home, or take the binoculars in the case and leave the lens covers behind. However, it would be nice if they would have made a slightly larger case for this model.

Inside the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars Carry Case

Neck Strap included with the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars

Neck Strap
Apart from one minor omission, the GPO neck strap is excellent.

The padded section is very wide (5.8cm) as well as thick (8mm) and thus not only spreads out the load, but also offers plenty of padding.

The underside is left uncovered and because it is made from a Neoprene type of rubber, it provides plenty of grip. This helps prevent the strap from sliding about on your neck and shoulders, which on the larger and slightly heavier 10x50 model is even more important.

Attaching the strap to the binoculars is achieved in the usual way using a slider and threading it through the eyelets on the instrument. This tried and tested method works well enough and means you can easily adjust the strap for length. This very commonly used method works perfectly fine, but I do wish the strap had extra quick release clips that would enable it to be more easily removed and swapped out for a binocular harness.

Lens Cover on the GPO Passion HD 10x50 BinocularsLens Covers
Made from a soft rubber/plastic, both the objective lens cover and the eye-piece cover (rain-guard) are basic, but functional.

The objective lens cover is a little different from the norm in that rather than two separate cups, you get a single piece that fits into the ends of the barrels. It also has a somewhat unique way that you can tether it to the binocular with it's own quick-release cord. This is something that I have not seen before and in my testing and review of the 10x42 model I said that it was something that I really liked.

However, on this model, I found the cord with which you use to tether it to the binocular is just a little to short, making it just a bit more difficult to attach (see image right).

The rain-guard is pretty standard. It fits over the eye-cups perfectly making it easy to replace, but at the same time is tight enough so that it does not fall away by accident. I also like the design in that it has a flexible bridge meaning that you can fix it to the binocular no matter your IPD.


Cleaning Cloth for the GPO Passion HD 10x50 BinocularsCleaning Cloth
Coming in it's own protective packaging, the included micro-fiber cleaning cloth is of excellent quality and as good as any that I have seen, which is great and ideal for use in the field.

As always, for more complete and safe cleaning of the lenses, I suggest you use a dedicated lens cleaning kit.

Instruction Booklet
The included booklet is relatively comprehensive, written in eight languages, it covers everything from attaching the neck strap to calibrating the binocular to your vision using the diopter.

In the US, German Precision Optics offers a "spectacular" lifetime warranty with these instruments. In Europe and the Rest of the World markets outside of USA and Australia, the warranty on all GPO binoculars is 10-years.

Accessories Score: 9/10

GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binocular Comparisons

For some more comparisons, the table below contains a small selection of other 45mm to 55mm roof prism binoculars that I have fully reviewed on BBR. To view the full results, open the table in full-screen mode.

Review Conclusions:

As with the 10x42 version, these GPO Passion HD 10x50 binoculars are in almost all areas outstanding and apart from the slight difference in size and weight, there is nothing really to tell them apart in terms of their build quality and components used.

Compared to the 10x42, they fall back a little in terms of the field of view and minimum focus distance which is why they score a little lower on the BBR Rating Score and so if either of these are critical to your needs, then this will be something to factor into your decision making.

So which should you choose?
These 10x50's make for a better choice in low light and are about equal to an equivalent level 8x42 in these conditions. So if you oven use your binoculars at longer distances (like at a lake, the coast, open field our in the hills) and often go out early morning, as the sunsets or in bad weather and are not too worried about the extra size and weight, then these would be my choice. At closer ranges and in poor light, like in a forest, jungle for example, then I would personally choose an 8x42 configuration for it's wider field of view.

If however you still want the added detail that a 10x magnification offers and are not too concerned with an improved low light performance, then I would recommend the 10x42 model.


Image Quality & Brightness
As I had already tested the 10x42 model, I had a good ideas as to the image quality and what to expect, but even so, I was hoping that the quality of the view and brightness would stand out and after testing, I do feel that with the 10x50 Passion HD, German Precision Optics have nailed it. The view is certainly superior to the vast majority of binoculars that land on my desk and in my opinion, they are equal to any binocular at this price level and match many more expensive binoculars as well.

For a "standard-sized" 10x binocular, the image brightness and low light performance is also very impressive and certainly better performing than a 10x42 binocular in low light situations.

Components Used & Build Quality
From the magnesium chassis and aluminum eye-piece housings to the integrated diopter and focus wheel and not forgetting the high-grade optical components and coatings, the high level of components and the noticeable build quality is evident throughout the whole instrument.

Integrated & Lockable Diopter
The diopter adjustment is located on the central focus wheel and is lockable, this works well, is completely hidden when not in use and whist it is a small thing, it just adds to the feeling of quality and workmanship when you hold and use them.

Double HD Lenses
German Precision Optics highlight that they use more than one ED glass element in each of their lenses. This is an interesting feature as I assume it is potentially able reduce chromatic aberrations even more than bins with single ED lens elements. Whatever the case, the image quality and lack of color fringing speaks for itself.

At 17mm, the GPO Passion 10x42 HD binocular has ample eye-relief, making these an ideal choice should you want or need to wear glasses whilst binning.

The aluminum eyecups not only look great but are a dream to use as they have a very smooth action and click very positively into each of the three click-stops.


Whilst the carry case is excellent in terms of build quality and the level of protection it provides, it is just a shame that for these 10x50 binoculars is just a little tight and thus it means you cannot store the binocular in the case with the eye-cups extended or with the lens covers attached.

Another small detail is the cord that is used to tether the lens cover to the binocular is also just a little too short making the cover just a little tricky to attach.

The field of view and minimum focus distance are not a weakness as such as they are still perfectly acceptable, however the don't quite match that of the 10x42 version, which may be something just to keep in mind if either of these two specifications are particularly important to you.

Then as I mentioned my my review of the 10x42 GPO Passion HD, the function and precision of the focus wheel is excellent. but I feel that a metal face plate and not a plastic one would enhance the overall appearance and make for a better match to the rest of the binocular.

Ideal Uses

GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars

Reviewed by Jason Whitehead for Best Binocular Reviews

Best Binocular Reviews Ratings:

Body Construction Quality: 9/10 88%
Body Stats: 8/10
Optical Components Quality: 9/10
Optical Stats: 8/10
Image Quality 10/10
Extras & Attention to Detail: 9/10

Compare Prices & Where to Buy the GPO Binoculars

Best General Wildlife Observation Binoculars 2024Awards:

Best General Wildlife Observation Binoculars 2024

Main Specifications & Features:

  • Size: Full Size Binoculars
  • [explain prism types]Prism Type: Roof Prism Binoculars
  • Magnification: 10x
  • [explain objective lens]Objective Lens Diameter: 50mm
  • [explain waterproofing]Waterproof: Yes
  • [about fogproofing]Fogproof: Yes

  • [explain exit pupil]Exit Pupil: 5
  • [explain twilight factor]Twilight Factor: 22.36
  • [explain eye relief]Eye Relief: 17mm
  • [explain IPD]IPD Max: 7.6cm
  • IPD Min: 5.8cm
  • Close Focus Distance: 9.2ft

  • Weight: 33.9ozs (961g)
  • Length: 6.9in (17.5cm)
  • Height: 2.5in (6.4cm)
  • Width: 5.3in (13.5cm)
  • Eyecup Diameter: 42mm
  • Ocular Lens Diameter: 24mm
  • Focus Wheel Diameter: 30mm
  • Focus from Near to Far, focus wheel rotates: 540°

  • [explain field of view]Field of View: 103m at 1,000 meters
  • [explain field of view]Field of View: 309ft at 1,000 yards

  • Chassis Material: Magnesium
  • Image Stabilization: No
  • [about Lens Coatings]Lens Coatings: Fully Multi-Coated
  • [about Phase Correction]Phase Correction Coatings: Yes
  • [about Prism Coatings]High Reflective Prism Coatings: Dielectric
  • [about ED Glass]Extra Low Dispersion Glass: Yes
  • Locking Diopter: Yes
  • [about tripod adapters]Tripod Adaptable: Yes
  • Auto Focus: No

GPO 10x50 Passion HD Binoculars Video Review


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Where to buy the GPO Passion HD 10x50 Binoculars

General Price Range: (5/6) High Value Binoculars

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