Digibinning: Meopta MeoPix iScoping Adapter

Meopta MeoPix iScoping Adapter

Digibinning & Digiscoping with your iPhone

Meopta MeoPix iScoping AdapterMeopta USA recently announced their new MeoPix iScoping Adapter, that allows you to connect the iPhone 4 or 4s to almost any binocular or spotting scope eyepiece. The MeoPix thus transforms your Apple smart phone into a long-range photo and movie capturing device.

The MeoPix iScoping adapter is approved by Apple and attaches securely to the iPhone, it has a low profile and is very light making it very easy to carry wherever you go.

Meopta signed an exclusive global distribution agreement with Base One Labs, LLC the designer and patent holder of the smart phone adapter.

“The latest smart phone technology combined with our revolutionary MeoPix adapter will render traditional camera based Digiscoping and Binoscoping obsolete,” says Meopta USA GM Reinhard Seipp. “iScoping” harnesses the power of the iPhone to capture, edit, organize and upload images from the field. When paired with our premium spotting scopes and binoculars, the MeoPix adapter provides extraordinary close-up photos and movies with clarity and resolution that rival traditional photography.”

The proprietary technology guarantees a secure fit and precise alignment which helps to ensure that you get great image quality.

The MeoPix will be officially shown to the public at the SHOT 2012 and IWA 2012 shows where show attendees can experience a live demonstration and a chance to win a Meopta spotting scope and MeoPix iScoping adapter.

If you would like further information or additional product photography, you can contact:

Reinhard Seipp, General Manager
Meopta, USA, Inc.
50 Davids Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel. 631-436-5900
Fax. 631-436-5920

Further Reading

  • More about Meopta Binoculars
  • More About Meopta USA:
    Meopta USA is the U.S. affiliate of the Meopta Optika group. Founded in 1933, the Prerov, Czech Republic based company is the leading manufacturing partner to many of the World’s finest optical brands. Meopta conceives, develops and manufactures precision optical and electro/optical systems for semiconductor, medical, aerospace, military and consumer industries at their state of the art Prerov development and manufacturing campus and New York manufacturing and distribution facilities.

USA: Amazon.com

Meopta MeoPix on Amazon.com

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