Best Binocular Reviews

I Want to View the Solar Eclipse, Can I Do It with Binoculars?

Solar Eclipse April 2024

Solar eclipses are one of nature’s most awe-inspiring events. The sight of the moon passing between the Earth and the sun, casting a shadow that briefly turns day into night, is an awe-inspiring event to view firsthand.

However, it is essential to consider safety precautions, especially when it comes to viewing the sun directly.

Can I View the Solar Eclipse with Binoculars?

But can you view a solar eclipse with binoculars? The short answer is yes, BUT not just any binoculars – you need special filters or Solar Safe Binoculars.

Binoculars can potentially greatly enhance the viewing experience of a solar eclipse by providing a closer and more detailed look at the sun and its surrounding phenomena. However, it’s important to note that ordinary binoculars, without proper solar filters, should NEVER EVER be used to observe the sun directly, EVEN during an eclipse. Doing so can result in severe, permanent and irreversible eye damage or blindness.

What are Solar Safe Binoculars?

Good quality Solar Safe Binoculars are specially designed binoculars that incorporate dedicated, built-in solar filters that meet the ISO 12312-2:2015 (E) safety standard for direct solar viewing. These filters protect your eyes by blocking out the majority of the sun’s intense light and harmful ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation enabling you to enjoy a clear and detailed view of the solar eclipse without risking eye injury.

Why is Viewing the Sun Dangerous?

The sun is incredibly bright, and looking at it directly without proper protection can cause serious eye damage or even blindness. This is because the intense light from the sun can burn the retina, the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye. This damage can occur in a matter of seconds, and it is often painless, so you might not realize it’s happening until it’s too late.

Why are Standard Binoculars Not Safe for Solar Viewing?

Standard binoculars and telescopes concentrate the sun’s rays into a very intense beam, much like a magnifying glass can focus sunlight to start a fire. This concentrated solar radiation can very quickly cause severe eye injury or blindness even in a fraction of a second. Using standard binoculars to look at the sun is extremely dangerous and should never be attempted.

Which Solar Safe Binoculars?

When choosing solar-safe binoculars from any brand, make sure to verify that they meet the necessary safety standards for solar observation and come equipped with appropriate solar filters to protect your eyes.

Celestron EclipSmart Binoculars

Celestron is a well-known brand that has a dedicated range of “EclipSmart Products” that includes a selection of inexpensive ($30 – $100) dedicated solar safe binoculars with permanent built-in filters that conform to the ISO 12312-2:2015(E) international safety standard for 100% safe, detailed views of the sun, be that for viewing eclipses, sunspots, or the Sun any normal day.

  1. Celestron EclipSmart 12x0 and 20x50 binoculars: These higher-power solar binoculars will give more detailed views of the sun’s surface, but they are best used sitting down or with a tripod.
  2. EclipSmart 10x25: A lightweight pair of solar binoculars, ideal for carrying around.
Where to buy: Celestron EclipSmart Binoculars

Lunt SunOculars

Far less well known than Celestron, Lunt Solar Systems specializes in solar telescopes and accessories and they do make some solar-safe binoculars.

Their SunOcular series comes in either 8x32 or 6x30 configurations and are only available on Amazon and in a range of colors (not sure why that is important!) I have not tried them, there is no mention of a safety standard that they meet and they look pretty basic, especially the 6x30 models, which I think are marketed towards kids….

Where to buy: Lunt SunOculars


Solar Safe Binoculars are an essential tool for safely viewing solar eclipses and other solar phenomena. They allow you to observe the sun directly and in detail, while protecting your eyes from harmful solar radiation. Remember, never attempt to view the sun with standard binoculars or the naked eye, as this can cause irreversible eye damage. Always prioritize safety when observing the sun, and enjoy the beauty of solar eclipses responsibly.

Photo Credit: Image of the Eclipse and Lady using binoculars to look at the sun: Celestron – EclipSmart Solar Binoculars Product Tour

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