Best Binocular Reviews

Digibinning with Swarovski EL’s & Snapshot Adapter

Many people have asked me about the Snapshot adapter that works with Swarovski EL or SLC binoculars.

Rather than try and explain it, I will let Dale Forbes, the Marketing Manager for Swarovski Optik in Absam, Austria show you how as he uses the snapshot adapter and his pair of Swarovski EL binoculars to photograph a lioness (digibinning) whilst on Safari in South Africa:

What is the Snapshot Adapter?
Swarovski’s Snap Shot Adapter enables you to connect your digital camera to the binoculars and take surprisingly good quality photos even at long distances, this is called Digibinning. The supplied ring connects your Swarovski Optik EL (and SLC series) binoculars directly to your digital camera thus creating a camera lens.

What cameras work with the Snapshot adapter?
Most digital cameras that have a max. 4x optical zoom and extendable objective lens are suitable.

How to use the Snapshot Adapter:

More Information:
Swarovski EL Binocular Reviews
Where to Buy Swarovski Binoculars
Personal website of Dale Forbes

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