Posts belonging to Category 'Sport Binoculars'

Swarovski CL Curio 7x21 Binoculars – Shot Show 2025

At the 2025 SHOT Show, I had the opportunity to meet with Evan from Swarovski Optik, who introduced me to the Swarovski CL Curio 7x21 binoculars. Designed in collaboration with renowned Australian industrial designer Marc Newson, the CL Curio’s main goal is to blend an exceptional optical performance with an ultra-compact and stylish form factor. […]

Best Compact Binoculars for Sports & Concerts

The question I received this week comes from someone looking for a compact binocular ideal for using at a concert and for sporting events: Steiner Safari Ultrasharp 8x22 vs Bushnell Legend Ultra HD 10x25 Question: Hi, I am looking for compact binocular that is under $200 to watch concert/sport. So far I come down to […]

Surfing Binoculars

I recently had a question from someone who was looking for some binoculars to watch surfing with: Question: I’m trying to choose binoculars to watch my son surf. I’m looking at the marine binoculars but not sure which ones to go with since he’s moving pretty fast. Haze and glare are both problems with the […]

Women’s Binoculars / Binoculars for Women

Having recently written a review on the Eschenbach 8x25 Club W Binoculars, designed especially for women, I thought it may be an idea to put a page together of a few of the best women’s binoculars to make finding them easier for you. Binoculars for Women? For the most part there is nothing that different […]

Golf Monocular, Binocular, Scope and Range Finder

Since returning to the UK from South Africa where I was working as a Safari Guide, I have always looked for ways to get outdoors and into the countryside and the longer I have been here, the more I have come to appreciate Britain’s wonderful wildlife and it’s countryside. I have also discovered golf, for […]