Posts belonging to Category 'Technical'

The Field Stop: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Binocular Field of View

The field of view (FOV) you experience is a crucial factor, determining how much of the scene is visible. But what dictates the exact boundaries of this view? Enter the field stop, a hidden gatekeeper within the eyepiece that plays a critical role in shaping your binocular experience.

Anti-Reflection Lens Coatings on Binoculars

Why are Lens Coatings Used? Imagine walking through a thick forest. Sunlight struggles to penetrate the dense foliage, making it difficult to see. Similarly, light encountering and then trying to pass through a series of lenses in binoculars encounters obstacles. Here’s what happens: Reflection: When light strikes an air-to-glass surface, a portion of it is […]

How Binoculars Work

Whilst you don’t need to become an expert, I always find that I am able to get the most out of something if I have at least a basic understanding of how it functions. So how do binoculars work? In this comprehensive guide, I will go over the science behind how the optics in a […]

Scopes & Binoculars Zoom Test – 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 16x, 20x, 30x, 60x Magnification Comparisons!

Binoculars Zoom Test – 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 10x, 16x, 20x, 30x, 60x Magnification Comparisons Close Range – Full Video on YouTube Magnification / Zoom comparisons of monoculars, spotting scopes and binoculars, ranging from 4x to 60x, to help you determine the ideal zoom for your needs. This comprehensive test showcases various zoom magnifications, objective […]

Apochromatic (APO) Lenses in Binoculars

Recently I have seen as well as reviewed and tested more and more top end binoculars that use Apochromatic lenses (APO) and whilst some manufacturers mention that their products have an APO optical system, very few (if any) go on to explain exactly what it is and what it does. So with this in mind […]

Ocular Lens Size in Binoculars

The size of the ocular lenses on binoculars is something that is almost never considered when buyers decide as to which is best. However, apart from measuring them yourselves, there is actually very little way of knowing what size oculars a particular model has. This is because very few brands actually publish this information and […]

Extra Low Dispersion Glass (ED Glass)

In recent years we have seen a huge increase in the number of binoculars that use ED Glass (Extra Low Dispersion Glass) in their lenses. What used to be found only on a few of the very top-end “super” binoculars, is now quite common and is used on a whole range of binoculars, even fairly […]

Does Age Affect Image Brightness in Binoculars?

This week I received an interesting question from Andre in the Netherlands who wants to know if your age affects how bright an image you are able to see when looking through binoculars with different configurations: Question Hi, Andre from holland. In your tests, I see nothing about if you are a little older then […]

How Thermal Imaging Works

Thermal imaging is an incredible tool that literally changes the way you see as it enables you to see ignore visual camouflage and/or see in complete darkness. With the ability to see heat signatures, thermal imaging can be incredibly useful in a wide range of applications and users, particularly for security, military, wildlife documentary makers, […]

Top 3 Mistakes Binocular Beginners Make & How to Avoid Them

In this article, I’m going to show you the Top 3 Mistakes I see Binocular Beginners make and how you can Avoid them. I guess there may be some people who have held their binoculars upside down (like in the title image above) or around the wrong way and looked through the objective lenses instead […]